

Let’s Send Felicity to Springfield!

Let’s Send Felicity to Springfield!

Springfield has often been called a “political cesspool.” Our liberal legislators make sure there is an ample supply of sewage, i.e., progressive policy, to permeate our state – it truly is sickening. But there is hope! Felicity Joy Solomon…

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Homeschool Day in The Life

Homeschool Day in The Life

Hi my name is Lissa (pronounced as Lisa) and welcome to ‘To Each Their Own Home’. I am a proud Christian Wife, and Stay At Home Homeschooling Mom to 3 kids plus our Boxer, Laila. My husband Jeremy and I have 2 boys.

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The Big Lie of the 1619 Project

The Big Lie of the 1619 Project

In 2019, the New York Times, on what they claimed (incorrectly) was the four hundredth anniversary of slaves being brought to America, published the 1619 Project. It sought to reframe all American history into the narrative…

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