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one faith . one people . one party


It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1


The Kingdom Conservative Party’s mandate is to advance the Kingdom of God by reclaiming America’s Identity and purpose. We must understand that with freedom comes responsibility. Christians can no longer depend on a two-party system and settle for the lesser of two evils. We can’t hold ourselves hostage with fear of splitting a party and losing to the enemy. While launching a political party is not a small task, KCP believes that “those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
Onward Christian Soldier!




one faith   one people


The Kingdom Conservative Party’s mandate is to advance the Kingdom of God by reclaiming America’s Identity and purpose. We must understand that with freedom comes responsibility. Christians can no longer depend on a two-party system and settle for the lesser of two evils. We can’t hold ourselves hostage with fear of splitting a party and losing to the enemy. While launching a political party is not a small task, KCP believes that “those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
Onward Christian Soldier!

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened
again by a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1



Freedom of speech, worship, assembly, press, the right to bear arms: all are under assault. We are witnessing a takeover through medical tyranny like never before through unconstitutional mandates. Americans have seen their freedom jeopardized in the name of being “in it together.” Our representatives should be first in line to protect and defend our constitutional, religious and conscientious rights regardless of a declared pandemic.



The Southern Border has become the epicenter of a political debacle. Along with all our borders, it is supposed to safeguard the sovereignty and safety of our nation. Having a functional immigration system to contain and monitor foreigners is not racist. We want to welcome guests, not chase intruders. There are laws already in the books that protect our citizens. We must enforce them.



KCP advocates for the abolition of abortion. The same way that slavery was abolished. We will not relent in seeing abortion become a pariah in our society, something to be shunned. Jesus came to give life and life abundantly. As a Kingdom Party, we are in the business of promoting life from the womb to the tomb. Notwithstanding fixing our broken foster care system, a culture of chastity along with the spirit of adoption need to arise in our nation.



KCP advocates for the abolition of abortion. The same way that slavery was abolished. We will not relent in seeing abortion become a pariah in our society, something to be shunned. Jesus came to give life and life abundantly. As a Kingdom Party, we are in the business of promoting life from the womb to the tomb. Notwithstanding fixing our broken foster care system, a culture of chastity along with the spirit of adoption need to arise in our nation.



Our elections should be made easy for people to vote yet very difficult for people to cheat. KCP advocates for the banning of mail-in ballots. There is no possible way to account for all mail-in ballots or properly track the voters’ eligibility. Using a digital system is unreliable as there is no safe way to protect a digital voting system from a foreign or domestic hack. The simple solution is voter ID and paper ballots. 

Produced by the Walt Disney Company. Distributed by the State Department.



The “Green New Deal” has nothing to do with the environment but everything to do with communism, and it only puts green in its pushers’ pockets. We favor clean energy as part of our stance to be good stewards of God’s green earth. However, we want to do so in a way conducive to people’s safety and livelihood. KCP rejects this deal and its cover-up “Build Back Better,” which promotes an authoritarian one-world order cloaked in ecology.

In the Name of Love…

I have been watching the robbery, the theft and manipulation of the word Love over the past several decades by the enemies of Truth. Making it a tool for their purposes rather than the holy biblical words stating, God is love. I know that God’s love is a Love that is pure and sacrificial, unconditional, a love I can trust in and it will not fail. So, this idea of Love is something to aspire to. To be able to demonstrate it towards others and actually want to be known for sharing God’s love to the world. But what does that look like?

I have watched the definition of Love change over the last 30 plus years by twisting the idea of it. To change its core, to use this word for different purposes, to use it as an instrument of evil not good. I have seen compassion used as the measure of love. Being used without the balance of common sense, the balance of universal truth and it has led us to using a “love” that rewards all kinds of sin. A love that produces dependency and leads to entitlement.

I take it back to the time Martin Sheen laid down on the metal grate to bring attention to the homeless in 1987. He was bringing compassion to the plight of the homeless. Should we have compassion? Yes, of course. But without the balance of our emotions against the reality of human nature, do we know the difference between compassion and enabling? In regards to the homeless: If there is mental illness, please get help or deliverance, if there is a need for shelter help them get work, get them in an apartment perhaps pay the first and last, schooling? What about vocational training for their capabilities? Private business to hire and apprentice? To help them to help themselves. Root out those who want help from those that choose that lifestyle. Require a commitment from them to be able to access the benefit they want.

I might point out that about 10 years earlier the “do-gooders” of the world closed many of the mental institutions in the U.S. In particular Patton State hospital in S. California. Patton was a successful institution that was almost self-sufficient with a cannery, orchards, gardens, etc. where patients worked. There was a sense of accomplishment among patients housed there. A friend of mine worked there in patient care and was totally dismayed about the closings first of the businesses that now brought the patients inside. She reported that they were medicating the patients to keep them quiet now that they had nothing to do. The failure of this program and the Deinstitutionalizing of these facilities poured the mentally ill out into the community and has been an important factor in the homeless problem we have today. Compassion? Don’t think so.

I’m old enough to remember the Peace Corp. In high school, lots of people considered joining the Peace Corp. in order to help those people around the world to live better, provide for themselves with agriculture, freshwater, medical information, etc. One of their mottoes back then was “Give a man a fish and you’ve fed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you’ve fed him for a lifetime. Did we do that in our culture, with our homeless? And what has been the result…. Tent cities within cities, teeming filth, drugs, needles, crime, and literally full of and smelling like crap.

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Beat the System #JUSTWRITEIT

Hello everyone! I am so excited today to launch phase 2 of my campaign for Joy for Illinois as a Senate candidate for the 49th district. I have some news to report to everyone about the primary. News that I’m afraid will not surprise you.

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Let’s Send Felicity to Springfield!

Springfield has often been called a “political cesspool.” Our liberal legislators make sure there is an ample supply of sewage, i.e., progressive policy, to permeate our state – it truly is sickening. But there is hope! Felicity Joy Solomon…

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In the Name of Love…

I have been watching the robbery, the theft and manipulation of the word Love over the past several decades by the enemies of Truth. Making it a tool for their purposes rather than the holy biblical words stating, God is love.

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CDC Admits This Is Not Working

COVID shots could put people at a greater risk of disease! I’ll explain this shocking admission from the director of the CDC! This is what I have been warning of for months. Now she has admitted it on camera. Even after this admission, our government…

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In the Name of Love…

I have been watching the robbery, the theft, and manipulation of the word Love over the past several decades by the enemies of Truth. Making it a tool for their purposes rather than the holy biblical words stating, God is love. I know that God’s love is a Love that is pure and sacrificial, unconditional, a love I can trust in and it will not fail. So, this idea of Love is something to aspire to. To be able to demonstrate it towards others and actually want to be known for sharing God’s love to the world. But what does that look like?

I have watched the definition of Love change over the last 30-plus years by twisting the idea of it. To change its core, to use this word for different purposes, to use it as an instrument of evil not good. I have seen compassion used as the measure of love. Being used without the balance of common sense, the balance of universal truth and it has led us to using a “love” that rewards all kinds of sin. A love that produces dependency and leads to entitlement. I take it back to the time Martin Sheen laid down on the metal grate to bring attention to the homeless in 1987. He was bringing compassion to the plight of the homeless. Should we have compassion? Yes, of course. But without the balance of our emotions against the reality of human nature, do we know the difference between compassion and enabling?

In regards to the homeless: If there is mental illness, please get help or deliverance, if there is a need for shelter help them get work, get them in an apartment perhaps pay the first and last, schooling? What about vocational training for their capabilities? Private business to hire and apprentice? To help them to help themselves. Root out those who want help from those that choose that lifestyle. Require a commitment from them to be able to access the benefit they want.

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God-fearing    Kingdom-minded

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We commit to assist in funding our candidates’ campaigns.


We commit to assist in canvassing at a grassroots level.


We commit to assist in networking for our candidates.

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Help us support God-fearing, dedicated, kingdom-minded political candidates whose sole allegiance is to Christ alone.


Help us support God-fearing, dedicated, kingdom-minded political candidates whose sole allegiance is to Christ alone.


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