The following is a sample of actual COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ adverse reaction stories. You can access over 500 real testimonies over at c19vaxreactions.com
N.N. – Vermont
Received my last vaccine June 30. Two weeks later I started having right sided ear pressure neck tightness and an odd swollen tongue feeling. Didn’t think much of it. Fast forward to July 27th, sitting at my desk at work and started feeling off. Slight dizziness and brain fog. Made it home and ended up blacking out. Shaky and dizziness off balance. Ed visit on 7/30 revealed CT normal. DC with meclizine and vertigo. Symptoms increased. Tried a chiropractor to see if my neck was out. No help. Back to the ed this time DC with antibiotics in case ear infection diazepam and still labeled as vertigo. Symptoms continued to increase with nausea blurred or bouncy vision. Shakes increase as well as balance worsened. Referrals to Ent and pt which provided no answers. Another syncope spell on 9/1. Told to refrain from driving. My brother googled and found others having the same symptoms and timeliness. Symptoms increase and no answers. Before vaccine was healthy on no medication. At the mercy of the medical community who are not open to the vaccine causing. Also scheduled to far out for more testing. At my witts end. Have a 4 year old and full time job. Symptoms are debilitating.
L.B. – New York
My husband, my 2 sons, and I all have had 2 doses of the Pfizer mRNA covid vaccine. My husband received his second dose on 4/23/21. Shortly thereafter, he started experiencing what he explained as a lack of energy, or blood flow, to muscles while he was working out. Then he realized, he was experiencing erectile dysfunction. He is in his 50’s, but is in good health, rarely gets sick, and has never had an issues like this in his entire life. We attributed his reaction to age, and moved on with life. My youngest son had to get vaccinated to go back for his second year of college. 2 days after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, he started experiencing erectile dysfunction. He was also unaware of my husband’s reaction at the time he discovered this. It has now been 5 months for my husband, and 4 months for my son, and it is not resolved. I realize that most people feel that ED is something mental, or comes with age, and people also make jokes like it’s funny to have this condition. It is mentally ruining my son. He is extremely depressed and anxious about this, and just wants someone to tell him what is wrong. We have been to urologists, and they all immediately dismiss the ‘coincidence’ of my son and husband experiencing the exact same reaction after the Pfizer vaccine. They state the vaccine didn’t do this, without even ordering so much as a test to investigate. If you check VAERS, you will see that there are currently 98 cases regarding ED after the covid vaccine. While I realize that there are people who are experiencing much worse, and the numbers don’t seem big, I still cannot help but to wonder why NO ONE is investigating this at all. The vaccine did something to 2 related members of my family, and I feel I will never get answers.
B.M. – Texas
I am writing this for my mother and stepfather, both 59 years old. Both were healthy, active individuals with no chronic health issues before the jabs. She took the 2 dose Pfizer and he took J&J’s vaccine, back in April. My mother was advised by her physician to take the 2 series Shingles vaccine back to back with the Pfizer doses. 3 days after her second Pfizer shot, she had a shingles flare up. Since that one, she has had two additional shingles flares and has had to get on a nerve medication to reduce now chronic nerve pain. She has spikes in blood pressure, spontaneous fractured and blurred vision that prevents her from being able to read and drive “deep, burning and intense” pain in her forearms when she lays down at night, random spells of 2-3 day diarrhea, dizziness and nausea. My stepfather developed a rash on his forehead a few months ago that will not go away. He has developed high blood pressure (no history). He has brain fog, cannot find the next word he wants to say and is getting confused when he is trying to exit a parking lot that he has been at hundreds of times. I don’t know how much worse this will get for them. I worry that doctors will run tests, as like so many others, find nothing because these injury mechanisms run under the radar of our normal diagnostic tools. Will they be able to find doctors who will recognize the jabs’ impact, or deny that they could be a factor?
S.R. – Ohio
At the end of January, 2021, I received the 1st dose of Moderna. I worked at a local hospital and decided at the last minute that I would go ahead and get it. Within an hour, I started having issues with my lungs and a feeling of just being tired with mild flu like symptoms. Two days later, my pulse became thready, I started seeing lights, I collapsed several times, and I quit breathing. All of this occured overnight. I had my phone with me; however, I could not even physically call 911. Anxiety hit as well, which I have never had an issue with. Over the course of the last 8 months, I have had ER visits, Neurology appointments, Oncology appointments, and in the near future, I will be seeing a Rheumatologist. I have had elevated heart rate plus an extremely low heart rate, Parkinson like shaking, swollen lymph nodes, brain fog, dizziness, and weakness in my legs. I am also experiencing kidney issues and possible liver failure. The mental and emotional issues have been the worse, including suicidal thoughts and ruined relationships because of this. Before the shot, I was healthy. I never got sick, barely ever got a cold, and had loads of energy. I have even considered getting the shot again, knowing that I would die from it, but wanting the pain and mental issues to end.
T.P. – Missouri
I have not taken any of the vaccines. My mother in law did take the Pfizer in February 2021. She took both doses. She died with severe blood clots and ultimately with COVID.
C.V. – Minnesota
About 2 weeks after the 2nd dose I was having a hard time catching my breath. Now 5 months later I struggle with daily living. I am unable to play with my kids, vacuum my floor, or shower half the time. My life is horrible with o2 in the 80’s at times. My labs have been increasingly getting worse. When my doctors reach out they were told it is not true. No help, little hope.
Access over 500 real testimonies at c19vaxreactions.com
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