I have been watching the robbery, the theft and manipulation of the word Love over the past several decades by the enemies of Truth. Making it a tool for their purposes rather than the holy biblical words stating, God is love.
I know that God’s love is a Love that is pure and sacrificial, unconditional, a love I can trust in and it will not fail. So, this idea of Love is something to aspire to. To be able to demonstrate it towards others and actually want to be known for sharing God’s love to the world. But what does that look like?
I have watched the definition of Love change over the last 30 plus years by twisting the idea of it. To change its core, to use this word for different purposes, to use it as an instrument of evil not good.
I have seen compassion used as the measure of love. Being used without the balance of common sense, the balance of universal truth and it has led us to using a “love” that rewards all kinds of sin. A love that produces dependency and leads to entitlement.
I take it back to the time Martin Sheen laid down on the metal grate to bring attention to the homeless in 1987. He was bringing compassion to the plight of the homeless. Should we have compassion? Yes, of course. But without the balance of our emotions against the reality of human nature, do we know the difference between compassion and enabling?
In regards to the homeless: If there is mental illness, please get help or deliverance, if there is a need for shelter help them get work, get them in an apartment perhaps pay the first and last, schooling? What about vocational training for their capabilities? Private business to hire and apprentice? To help them to help themselves. Root out those who want help from those that choose that lifestyle. Require a commitment from them to be able to access the benefit they want.
I might point out that about 10 years earlier the “do-gooders” of the world closed many of the mental institutions in the U.S. In particular Patton State hospital in S. California. Patton was a successful institution that was almost self-sufficient with a cannery, orchards, gardens, etc. where patients worked. There was a sense of accomplishment among patients housed there. A friend of mine worked there in patient care and was totally dismayed about the closings first of the businesses that now brought the patients inside. She reported that they were medicating the patients to keep them quiet now that they had nothing to do. The failure of this program and the Deinstitutionalizing of these facilities poured the mentally ill out into the community and has been an important factor in the homeless problem we have today. Compassion? Don’t think so.
I’m old enough to remember the Peace Corp. In high school, lots of people considered joining the Peace Corp. in order to help those people around the world to live better, provide for themselves with agriculture, freshwater, medical information, etc. One of their mottoes back then was “Give a man a fish and you’ve fed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you’ve fed him for a lifetime. Did we do that in our culture, with our homeless? And what has been the result…. Tent cities within cities, teeming filth, drugs, needles, crime, and literally full of and smelling like crap.
The enemy has used “Compassion” to turn our hearts from the empathy we feel into a tool to work against other principles that keep it in balance. Can we appreciate their feelings when someone is going through a hard time? Can we emphasize without feeling like “solving” it all with an endless stream of money, goods, and other services? Which then puts a burden on those who are excessively taxed while leading the “downtrodden” into a life of government dependence? Is it compassion we feel when we help and see there is no end to helping? Wouldn’t it be more loving, to help folks get through a hard time not just enable them to have a lifestyle that allows no need to better themselves? For those who choose to live outside the structure of society bearing no consequences for their choices? That they can live irresponsibly and have their needs paid for? Convincing them that they are now entitled to it? That everyone else owes it to them? Who is really using their dependency to benefit? To stay empowered? I wonder…
I start with the homeless because it seemed to start there. But no matter what the cause, the enemies of Truth, to silence their critics, will use the word “Love” against criticism. You don’t think we should give cradle-to-grave services to people…You’re a hater. How unloving you are, without compassion, and let’s throw in racist for good measure.
But pick a subject,
You don’t think the entertainment industry should promote immorality and sexual deviancy? You’re part of those narrow-minded haters, too old school for this modern world. They use free speech here to “express themselves.’ while they take it away from the speech of their critics.
You think the environmental issues are being used to gain power for political and economic reasons. You hate the earth. You don’t care, you are selfish, judgmental, and a greedy science denier. Says the selfish, judgmental, and greedy science fiction crowd pushing their own agenda
You don’t’ think children should be taught sexual perversions, gender fluidity, and other mental disorders as something to celebrate and experiment with, or teaching them to be ashamed of their race and guilt for things they did not do? To hate America as systemically evil. Ignoring the reality that only because of our freedoms have we brought change to injustice and racism, sometimes at the cost of human life. You don’t believe them? Well, you have no compassion, you’re a racist, and you don’t Love. You’re an idiot that doesn’t know what’s best for your own children. Let us have them….
You think that medical issues are being manipulated for political power and to establish tyrannical unconstitutional control of the citizens. Shame on you for spreading disinformation says the liars and hypocrites. You hate science he says, you have no compassion, no love for the most vulnerable those weak among us. And you call yourself a Christian…
You don’t believe the media, you don’t trust the government, you can see the corruption of the corporate world, your families have been made weak and your churches have sacrificed truth for compromise and a tasty bowl of acceptance. Man, you’re a hater for sure.
They say, if you disagree with me in any way, I will silence you by guilting you because no one wants to be seen as the hating, raciest, truth denning, misogynistic, homophobic, anti-choice, idiotic right-wing extremist
My point is that we have lost our right to disagree because to do so will bring on an attack of accusation that has nothing to do with the subject at hand. An accusation whose goal is to silence you with shame and if that doesn’t work, we will publicly crucify you to the point of crushing your life taking everything you have until you have no voice. We have lost our freedom of speech because we didn’t speak up when we had it.
Compassion has now completely been twisted from a fruit of love to a tool of the enemy to promote evil. Love in their hands has that bitter aftertaste of hate. Their love has no compassion. It’s an evil that has no empathy for business owners, starved out of business, or burned and destroyed. No concern for the elderly unable to be embraced, looking through windows, dying alone.
Theirs is a love that has disfigured beauty. Theirs is a love that has put on the sheep’s garments only to be a ravenous wolf inside. A false God, a fake religion, a cult with its own set of values and sacrifice. And what we have sacrificed is truth.
In the name of Love….
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