It’s that time again when the school year is getting cranked up, and those homeschool families who tentatively follow local school calendars are making their plans and schedules. One major difference for homeschool families vs public school families is the upfront cost of having to purchase a curriculum for your children. Most families are on a strict budget, and the cost of a year’s worth of books and supplies, especially if there are multiple children in different grades, can be an extremely hard financial pill to swallow.

While there are online private schools and some curriculum with giant price tags, that isn’t the only option. Did you know some homeschool curricula are free? Though these may require a bit more effort on your part, there are certainly ways to be able to have the freedom of homeschooling in a way that works for your family without breaking the bank.


Free Homeschool Curriculum

One thing in favor of public schools for many families is that there is no cost. In some states/districts, even meals at school are free. For those who struggle financially, the cost of homeschooling may make it seem like an impossibility. Never fear! We are here to help! We desire to help any family who wants to homeschool be able to do so. If curriculum cost is what’s standing in the way, here are some solid, free homeschool curriculum options.

Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool  
This is a complete K-12, online, totally free curriculum in the Charlotte Mason style.

Ambleside Online  
This is another completely online option in the Charlotte Mason style.

Khan Academy  
They are a nonprofit that works to provide top-notch education to any and every student. This is also a great supplement if you choose a different curriculum.

Create your own unit study  
This simple, amazing option integrates subjects and allows your children to focus on their interests.

The Good and the Beautiful  
Their books are available for free as a pdf download, or for purchase as a hard copy.

At Home Middle School  
This site pulls from different online resources to create lesson plans in core subjects for middle school students.

While this is an online public school and not a method of homeschooling that provides the freedom most of us are searching for, as it is free, it definitely deserves to be included in this list.


Affordable Homeschool Curriculum

If none of the free options seem like they’d be a good fit for your family, there are programs and curricula out there for a small cost. Many companies do their best to keep prices low so families can provide their children with quality education without going into debt to do so. Here are some of the best affordable homeschool curriculum options.

This is a comprehensive, online, PreK-12 curriculum for a very reasonable monthly fee.

Compass Classroom  
This company provides video classes for grades 4-12 for a low monthly (or yearly) fee.

Alpha Omega Publications (LIFEPAC)  
LIFEPACs are workbook-based learning for grades K-12 with prices varying by grade/subjects.

A.C.E. School of Tomorrow  
A.C.E uses PACEs, or individual workbooks, that are customizable. Prices will vary due to how you choose to build your school year.

Used Homeschool Books  
If you find a curriculum you’d like to try before investing in a new set, this website offers used homeschool curriculum items at lower prices.


Free Homeschool Curriculum by Subject

Perhaps you have the majority of your curriculum already and are only looking for a certain subject. If that is the case, here are some pages with many free curriculum options in some core subjects.

Homeschool for Free: Math  
Homeschool for Free: Science 
Homeschool for Free: History/Social Studies  


How to Homeschool by Subject

Do you feel more confident teaching your child at certain ages and in certain subjects? Most of us have a niche where we feel most comfortable, but unfortunately, we can’t keep our children in our comfort zone. If you’re feeling a little insecure in certain areas or just need some added encouragement or helpful tips, check out our “How to” series for some friendly advice from homeschool parents who have been where you are and made it through…just like you will.

How to Homeschool Your Preschooler  
How to Teach Homeschool Language Arts  
How to Teach Homeschool Science  
How to Teach Homeschool Social Studies  
How to Teach Math for Homeschoolers  
How to Teach Homeschool Bible  
How to Homeschool High School Foreign Language  
How to Homeschool High School Health and P.E.  
How to Homeschool Using the Unit Study Method  

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