
We believe the parents’ ultimate duty is to train up a child in the way they should go. Our government should not be the first resort to the education of our youth, and it definitely should not interfere with our children’s ability to get a Godly education.

“The whole inspiration of our civilization springs from the teachings of Christ and the lessons of the prophets. To read the Bible for these fundamentals is a necessity of American life.”

“Children are our greatest natural resource.”

Herbert Hoover

31ST US president (1929-1933)


It is not the government’s responsibility to set the standard for the education of our children or mandate curriculums. KCP advocates for the abolishment of the Federal Department of Education altogether. There is absolutely no basis in the Constitution for such a department, and federal dollars have done untold damage to the local schools. We want the end of Common Core and any other federally mandated system of education that goes against state authority.

The average cost to educate a student in America is $15,240 per year in public schools. This money should be redistributed back to the parents so they can be better equipped to stay home and educate their children. The average homeschool student cost per year is $600.

What makes a capitalistic society work is an ability for people to compete. When there is no competition, there is no incentive to perform well. This is what many parents are dealing with when it comes to education. Each parent should choose where the money for their child is going. Whether they want to homeschool or place the child in a private school, it should be up to the parent, regardless of location.

School choice can indirectly promote the betterment of our public school system. The moment parents start pulling children off of the subsidized education system, this very system will be challenged to do better to serve our youth.


This new yet old ploy to destroy society from within is a curriculum based solely on opinion with its history rooted in Marxist ideology. It is an insult to “people of color” and a threat to the White community as it teaches racism and victimization.

America is a melting pot that has thrived on different cultures and colors. Our diversity was never meant to be a used tool to work against us. CRT is an attack on our nation’s history and moral foundation.

Under KCP’s leadership, federal and state-funded schools will not be allowed to indoctrinate our youth into Marxism, segregation, or discrimination. Our education system should stick to reading, writing, and arithmetic and expose our children to the Judeo-Christian heritage of our nation.


For the first two centuries of our nation, the civil government had no voice in education, and in the last century, it has become the only voice. The LGBTQ agenda now dominates our public education, and we believe these detrimental lifestyles should stay within the confines of the home. KCP rejects the notion that homosexuals, “transgender” people, and those who are sexually deviant deserve legal favor or special protection in our schools and affirm the rights of states and localities to proscribe offensive sexual behavior.

Therefore, not a single taxpayer dollar should be allocated to funnel this destructive ideology. Our candidates will push to defund any public school that promotes the sexualization of our children along with this agenda. We propose that law RA7610, which protects children against abuse and exploitation, be enforced against any public school teacher/administration/union who peddles deviant sexual doctrines to our children.


Gender identity and sexual education should be completely out of the jurisdiction of the school system. Programs coming from organizations such as Planned Parenthood should be banned. Birth control, condoms, pregnancy tests should have no place in our schools. The child is a minor and under the parent’s jurisdiction, not the school system.

Martin Luther said, “I’m afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of youth.” America’s government-run education system has proven Luther right.


Teachers’ unions have become cesspools for corruption and a major stumbling block regarding parents’ ability to choose. Unions which were initially designed to support teachers have become a thorn in the flesh of our children’s academic success. Teachers’ paychecks cannot be more important than our children’s education. Consequently, these unions must be dismantled.

A relatively recent addition to our government departments, the Department of Education is now funneling agendas that work against the interest of our country. States should be allowed to fully help facilitate the education of our children without the say-so of the Federal Government. As mentioned earlier, KCP advocates the abolishment of the Department of Education. When parents have autonomy over their child’s education, they have a greater chance of success since they can cater to each student’s interests. Schools should not mandate subjects that will not further the child’s future. We also suggest eliminating mandatory education laws for children over 15. These laws are forcing them to attend school when they have no desire to be there, which only detracts from the ability of teachers to teach and for willing students to learn.

“So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.”

Deuteronomy 11:18-19 (NLT)

“Dedicate your children to God and point them in the way that they should go, and the values they’ve learned from you will be with them for life.”

Proverbs 22:6 (TPT)

“If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the deep sea.”

Matthew 18:6 (GNT)




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